Ago Projects

Mono Rojo


Mono Rojo

Mono Rojo is a dynamic and constantly transforming collective established in the traditional neighbor- hood of Santa María la Ribera in Mexico City, which brings together different artists under the premise of the pictorial interpretation of ceramics.

Their creative process begins with the preparation of the clay in the workshop, which is based on a con- tinuous investigation of the traditional practices of high-temperature ceramics in Mexico and Japan. From this starting point, the different members of the collective, accompanied by the participation of external artists in residence, deepen and experiment in practice both technically and creatively.

The group has managed to develop its own language based on technique, color, and sense of humor. Their production is characterized by certain nuances, shapes and drawings that allow us to perceive the specific hand of each artist, without failing to integrate as a whole into the unique, seductive, sensory and unmistakable proposal of the group.

New Artwork New Artwork Bubble Bottle Fantasma Bi Big New Artwork Vasitos 3 Vasitos Chiquitos Roquitos Chubby 2 Chubby Fantasmita Woo Set of cups Square Flower 1 Vaso Polina FAT Eclipse Bis Windows 95 Bis Autorretrato con borde Mirage Bowl Modern times Bowl Reins Bowl Windows 99 Rain Vaso Jamoncillo (7pcs) Churro Relleno Vaso Oliva Roja Ciudad Ideal Arcolor Happy Small Ciudad Construccion Plastic Fantastic Arcolor Mediano Arcolor Chico Arcolor Grande Chubby Gaspar Baby T puzzle Baby T nonagon Earl Earth Smarties Redox Armando T pitcher Drip SAT Trophie Reyes Tiger uppercut Bracito Baby T passenger Baby T green Jag Family blobs Party Bowl Bubble Maps Tequila adventure Bracito Rojo Duvalin bowl Rainbow ballon Watermel vision Palmera Verde Amarillo y Rojo Windows 95 Pitufo Verde Piramide Cuadros y Flores #2 Mariposa y Personas Amantes #2 Sabi Azul Not Glazed #3 Wabi Azul Glazed #2 Vasitos 2 C Cartoon Cartoon Disney Vasitos 6 Kool aid Stretch Antitaxi Fat Boy Invisible dots Xline Gears Tank Vase Cinturita White Blobs Redox Bowl I Blue Screen Vase Redox Bowl II Piels Classic W Vasito Class 1 Tank Cup Gato Tank Dish Claude Bowl Blue Screen Dish Picafresa Ball Florero Flor con Aire Flori Flor Lamparita Eclipse Not Your Typical Set Bowl Big Bowl Not your usual set Landscape bowl W Rainbow mix Doggy Style Migajón Florero PQ1 Florero PQ2 Tlac Mate Hiro Set Anri Cups X4 Nube Cero Mate Vasija Salto Vasija Monstruo Recipiente bicéfalo Bowl con forma de perro Platón mesa Platón paisaje Platón Sumo Feliz Waysatta Fernández Jazael Olguín Zapata Waysatta Fernández Vase Matte Waysatta Fernández Vase Matte Gris Waysatta Fernández Vase Matte Azul Ernesto Díez Reyes Vasija con tapa flat Ernesto Díez Reyes Vasija sin tapa Ernesto Díez Reyes Vasija con tapa alargada Rodrigo Treviño Bowl Rodrigo Treviño Bowl Pequeño Set tres mini platos hondos Rodrigo Treviño Arquitectura Grande Rodrigo Treviño Arquitectura Chica Proto (Colaboración de Olmo y José Pablo) Nimes Capelo Redox Black Cute-brut – Oso blanco gordo Campana Campana colores Landscape Bowls (Set of 2) Landscape Cups (Set of 4) Landscape Large Cups (Set of 3) Landscape Cups (Set of 6) Hen Flower Pot Blue Landscape Bowls (Set of 3) Lattice Vase White Lattice Vase Brown Lattice Cups (Set of 2) Lamp 1 Lamp 2 Lamp 3 Lamp 4 Brown Vase White Vase 1 White Vase 2 Grey Vase 3 Black Vase 4 White & Blue Vase 5 Lamp 4 Bowl Blanco y Negro Bowl con rayas rojas y carita Rectangular tray Multi-color cups (Set of 4) Black, White, Red and Yellow face Bowls (Set of 3) Red, black and white small bowl Red, black and white plates (Set of 2) Red, black and white plate with faces WF Faces Plate Faces Plates (Blue, Pink and Green) Set of 3 Small waves, bear and dots small bowl Small waves, ladybug and dots small bowl Black dots small bowl Blue bees small bowl Twitter Small Plate Bowl con rayas azules e interior amarillo con puntos Bowl con rayas amarillas e interior rayas negras Bowl con rayas rosas e interior rayas negras Landscape Mezcal Cups (Set of 4) Black, red and white cups (Set of 4) Bowl Blanco, Rojo y Negro Bowl Blanco y Negro Fake Grandma Boca de serpiente Mini-plate with cat Black, red and white cups (Set of 4) Bunnies Vase Landscape Large Vase Blue Drawings Vase Multicolor Large Vase Blue Drawings Large Vase Blue and gray vase Face Face Face Faces Plates (Blue, Pink and Green) Set of 3 Faces Plate (Blue, Pink and Green Red, black and white plate with faces Red, black and white plate with faces Blue Dots Bowl Blue Sahuaros Bowl Blue dots and knots Blue dots and knots 2 Black and ocre bowl Japanese Mezcal Cups (Set of 4) Pasta pgimentada Cups (Set of 2) Pasta pigimentada bowl Cocodrile bowl Multi-color Mezcal & Sake Cups (Set of 5) Large Carrot Guy Large Carrot Guy 2 Medium Carrot Guy Small Carrot Guy Gray and white small bowl Multi-color Mezcal Cups (Set of 4) Ceramic Table Lamp Ceramic Table Lamp Vasija Corazón Jazael Olguín Flower Pot Blue Cats Heads Florero Cilindro Cafe y Azul Cilindro de gas gris Gray Cups Set (Set of 5) Flower pot brown and red stairs Gas Cylinder Brown and Red Windows Green Cylinder Vase Multi-color brown tray Multi-color brown tray Small Gas Cylinder Gray Black and Green Sake Cups Set (Set of 5) Multicolor Sake Cups Set (Set of 4) Multicolor Sake Cups Set (Set of 4) Multicolor Sake Cups Set (Set of 4) Multicolor Sake Cups Set (Set of 4) Multicolor Sake Cups Set (Set of 6) Sake Cup Pencil Sake Cup Blue and Yellow Dots Spherical Multi-color vase Cápsula (Querida encogí a los niños) Tarde en el Balneario Ciudad Fábrica Feria Autorretrato Jardín EL balón VM Salto del Agua VM Corazón VM Snorkel VM garrafón VM Tlaloc La lagarta Clown city Arco y sol Hermes Iris Boomerang Talisman Closed Caption Luneta Mishi Eclipse Paty Tótem :P Tótem :O Kamsa Departamentos palapa Cat tower Gota con botas Las Flores Autorretratito con asas Mesa amuleto Harry Helado Mesa Paisaje Digital Templo Abrazo Mesa RRRRRural El Escritorio La Esquina Tanque de gas Mesa Conjuro Mesa Pin-ball Mesa Spin Comic 1 Mesa Michael Mesa Espejo Tanque chico Tapir Blanco de colores Oso cactus Abracito Iglú Casita Popó Casita Mickey Gorilla El Arca Mesa Skyline Tepeztwinkitl Mesa scarface Mesita Strangers Mesa Thatcher Mesa bubble gum Huella Cara de gato City lights Cairo Gota simple Señor gordo Boomerang 2 Boomerang 3 Barrio/terremoto Gomitas II Charola Chicle en el Pantalón Night plants II Night plants Las estrellas II Las estrellas Popocatépetl 2 Popocatépetl Balloon II Balloon Lollipop tree II Lollipop tree Lluvia nocturna II Lluvia nocturna Charola Tetris Nubes Explosión Dogu Bagu Set tortolitas Charola Strangers II Set carritos pastas pigmentadas Set gorila constructor Charola Flotis Set perros serpiente Set huesitos quemados Set redondeado quemado Charola Curitas Set acquaman Set anteojeras Set criaturas azules Charola Curitas II Changuitos set Bola prehistórica Ola Japonesa Dogu comiendo galleta cerdon Cactus con chicle Bastard comic set 1 (8 piezas) Set a Joy (3 piezas) Dogu bi Coco Dogu Dogu Disco Dance Celocity (2 piezas) Dogu Dogu Dogu Charco Dogu DO Fogata Aguas termales de Infierno Dogu Brujo Dogu Alebrije Dogu Cerebro Cactus Cabeza Helado Dogu Pet Dogu Oooops Dogu en balneario Dogu Biscotti Set Miniaturas Blancas Hiro Set caritas (2 piezas) Perrito chicle Monstruo cama Maceta Perritos Monstruo dragón Monstruo galleta Monstruo digimon Monstruo con tapa perro Monstruo perro loco Monstruo con lentes Monstruo cara aplastada Gusanepe Set Trump-Abe Cabeza derretida Vasos Cactus (6 piezas) Vasija gallo Montañas Par de luchadores Arquitectura y vasito Vasija giraroles Mini copitas rojas (7 piezas) Bowls Hiroshi simples Casas (2 piezas) Set piedras Vasos leopardo Set perritos azules (2 piezas) Torres (5 piezas) Señor azul Boilers (Set de 4) Vasija perros negros laterales Vasija tigre El caldo Perrari Set de arquitecturas Smog Correcaminos Sopes colores (6) Reliquia Ovni Set Windows7 (7 piezas) Set Urbano&tropical Set El jardín Lámpara Timbiriche Florero Escaleras Banco Ombliggo Banco Michelin Casita Conejito Pegaso Creature Cups Dogu Demonio Dogu Meteorito Dogu Gato Vasitos Piedritas Vaso Tradicional Aiuda Charola Morena Dragon Bowls Set minicups arquitecturas azules (5 pieces) Winnie Cups Creature’s Cups Japanez Mini Sake Cups (5 pieces) Set pastas pigmentadas Rock Pets Rock Egg Calamar Par Urbano&tropical Florero Goeritz Azul Par charolas vuelcabolsillos (Set of 2) Flor Caracol Datil Set Dogu Uro Gomitas I Arcobaleno Pareja de Luchadores Idea Set Vasos Leopardo Madmax Master Popiece Esternon Gato con Botas Blanco Ombliggo Muégano Blanco Michelin Espacio Tiempo Chacmool Altostratus Cumulus Fábrica Flor Microhornito Estiba Set Smashing Pumpkin Snake Set Blue Panther Rush Hour New Cairo Stay Us Wax & Blues Wax & Dots Serpiente Samurai Playground Melting Square Garden Thumbs Up Guadalupe Sorbet Caldero Homero en la Milpa Grandes Flores Vasijas Girasoles Esto es Flor Jaroo Helado Jaroo Helado Bisbis Jaroo Helado Bis Flor Equis Fast Food con Pinchos Flores Secas Flor Estrella Flor Ekis Bis Fast Food Fast Food Bibis Flor con Abejas Bis Flores Rotas Flor con Abejas Fasto Food bis Flor Habitual Bis Pinchos Flor Habitual Flor Bolita Bisbis Flor Bolita Bis Flor Bolita Y globos Desierto Dogu VW Square Flower 1, 2, 3 & 4 Flor de Coco Catherine Remixing Blue Set Urbano & tropical Multicolor Sake Cups Set (Set of 2) Mezcaleros Sopes Colores Juego de tres floreros perritos Numeritos Fauna Tetris Charola Gato Cuadrado Osito Mayor Osito Menor Plato Flores Plato Flores 2 Charola Caras Charola colores Charola colores 2 Jarron Carita Perrito Gris Jarron Carita Blanco Jarron Carita Blanco 2 Persona Rosa y Gato Amantes #1 Cara Garabatos Corazones #2 Lámpara de mesa Cara Garabatos Amarillo y Rojo Elefante Cuadros y Flores Gato Rosa Gato Blanco La Guera Serena Morena Lampara Bob Lampara Patricio Amaraillo y Negro Sabi Azul Wabi Azul Comic 1 Vasitos Vasos Amor Sope I Vasitos Tematicos Vasitos 4 Vasitos T Spider Blue and gray landscape bowl Charola Faces Faces Plates (Blue, Pink and Green) Nadir Jarron Carita Rosa Tumulus Flor Confetti Add-ons Pool Dolmen Mole Caritos Time Blob Nazar El Pípila DR Dolmaen Folder Dolmen Zacatecas Fino Milk Man Azimuth Nadir Face Off Pull and Raise Half and half Branching Pompi W&W’s Yellow Mysteryellow Oasis with a scaffold Flying Cactus Origami Vaso Oasis IV & V LAMP me! Doughnuts! Head Head Head
