Ago Projects

Agnes Studio


Agnes Studio

Agnes Studio, Founded in 2017, is the creative collaboration between Guatemalan designers, Estefania de Ros ( BFA/ Interior Design 2014 | MFA/ Furniture Design/ RISD 2021) and Gustavo Quintana-Kennedy (BFA/ Architecture 2008 | Experimental Masters Program in Design Founderism / Hyper Island 2014).

Agnes Studio bases its practice in materializing hypothetical futures, alternate realities and other-worlds for the creation of objects that live between art and design by exploring, honoring and defying the boundaries of traditional and experimental craft methods.

Round Zacate Cushion Amuletos Small Mirror Amuletos Small Mirror Amuletos Full Body Mirror Cosmico Cabinet Constelaciones Table Ave Chair with armrests Ave Chair without armrests Ave Chair in Fiberglass Totem Lamp Milagritos Side Table Milagritos Side Table | Leather Charms Milagritos Side Table | Tornillo Milagros Coffee Table Bolillito Sofa Bolillito Armchair Talisman Rug Custom-sized Lana Bench Altar Console (Small) Altar Console (Large) Altar Dining Table (Rock and Wood) Altar Table (Solid Wood) Custom Altar Desk (Two central drawers) Altar round table stone Altar Round Table Wood Cairn low table Altar Bench Lana Chair Lana Ottoman Lana Chair (Small) Lana Daybed Lana Bench Obsidiana Chair Codice Credenza (Large) Codice Night Stand Cayuco Chaise Piramide Lamp Apolonio Midnight Sun (Small) Apolonio Desert Rose (Small) Apolonio Midnight Sun (Large) Apolonio Desert Rose (Large) Apolonio Fronteras (Small) Apolonio Fronteras (Large) Apolonio Desnudos (Small) Apolonio Desnudos (Large) Apolonio Musgo (Small) Apolonio Musgo (Large) Loose Threads Rug Loose Thread Hand Loom Curtains River of Petals / Round Custom made Altar Desk Custom Size Lana Daybed